C2. Kickoff


The purpose of the Kickoff is to raise awareness in pastors and their leadership teams of the importance and impact of their ecclesial culture in implementing vision and making a purposeful change in their Family of Parishes. The ecclesial culture of a Family can either support or undermine the plans, vision, and goals of a pastor and his Family Leadership. Historically, the ecclesial culture of a particular parish emerged from the preferences of the pastor. While it may have been explicitly stated, more often it simply evolved over time from the incremental organizational and liturgical changes made by the pastor. Ecclesial culture may be influenced by the style of worship, ethnic culture(s), or national culture of the particular community, and many other factors. However worship style, ethnic or national culture alone are not ecclesial culture. 


Culture & History: As they become one Family, the culture and history of the parishes are acknowledged and honored and, where possible, preserved as we have moved from maintenance to unification in the mission of Christ. Efforts are made to blend cultural differences with compassion and compromise.


The Phase 3 Kickoff is designed to help pastors and parish leaders understand the importance and impact of their ecclesial culture, especially among their staff and lay leadership, in implementing vision, making change, and ultimately fulfilling our mission. The Kickoff is applicable to all Families of Parishes, even if they have not yet completed Phase 2 visioning. 

See the materials tab for the presentation and handouts used for this meeting.  

We recognize that some Families of Parishes will be unable to participate in the Culture Kickoff due to timing or other circumstances. For these Families, a similar experience will be scheduled at a future date.  Please contact [email protected] for more information.