C4.2 Culture Workshop

Given a baseline understanding of ecclesial culture in the Culture Kickoff, a Family of Parishes Leadership Team is now ready to further understand their current ecclesial culture, define a desired ecclesial culture, and choose tools and techniques to begin to manage the Family of Parishes ecclesial culture in that desired direction.  

While a retreat format is better suited to facilitating the heartfelt discussion and discernment necessary to sincerely embark on the effort of changing our ecclesial culture, we do recognize that some Families of Parishes will be unable to participate in the Culture Retreat due to timing or other circumstances. For these Families, the Center for Parish Vitality will provide either a customized, on-site retreat experience, or a series of workshops to support that leadership team as they define and plan to evolve their ecclesial culture.  

The Culture Workshop will introduce Family Leadership to changes they can make to their own ecclesial culture that will then be caught, over time, by the lay leadership and from there, on to the parishioners.  



Co-responsibility:  Pastors, staffs, and parishioners share responsibility for bringing all relevant perspectives to the process of discernment, according to their proper roles and gifts.

The Culture Workshop will be a customized version of the Culture Retreat. If you feel your Family of Parishes will be better served by the Culture Workshop, please contact the Center for Parish Vitality at [email protected]