C5.1 Disciples Radiate Christ

Radiate Christ. These two words summarize God the Father’s hope for humanity on this earth. The words contain both a reality and a mission: the reality of the person of Jesus Christ as the Savior of all people and the mission of each Christian to participate in the Son’s redemption of the world.
– Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

The ultimate goal of Beacons of Light is equipping Families of Parishes to form disciples and send them on mission, radiating the love of Christ to the world. This impacts all the many diverse and broad aspects of parish life. This is best facilitated by a forming the Family staff and volunteer leadership in a culture of discipleship. Discipleship spans the typical silos of focus within a parish:  worship, stewardship, service, faith formation, evangelization, and administration. While the archdiocese provides detail formation to many of these areas, especially evangelization, service, and stewardship, a common culture of discipleship requires a baseline of formation for everyone serving a Family of Parishes: clergy, staff, and volunteer leadership.  

As centers of missionary outreach, Families of Parishes find new ways to foster discipleship among all the baptized.

The Disciples Radiate Christ series will facilitate this common understanding forming leadership in Stewardship, Evangelization, and Love In Action. This would build an understanding across all parish leadership that would better support integrated formation and discipleship efforts. 

Disciples Radiate Christ is composed of four sessions that combine prayer, video, speakers, and team interaction. These sessions last approximately one hour each and are designed to be facilitated locally by Family Leadership staff leveraging the resources, handouts, and videos on the Disciples Radiate Christ website.  

We recommend that Family Leadership teams engage in Disciples Radiate Christ once a week for four weeks. Once completed, these leadership team members could then facilitate similar Disciples Radiate Christ sessions with their staff and related commissions including Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Worship Commission, Stewardship Commission, Love In Action Commission, Evangelization Commission, and other groups within the Family of Parishes.  

Please see the website for more information and or contact the CPV at [email protected].