Families of Parishes must develop a pastoral plan for parish vitality, submitted at least annually, reviewed by the dean, to be approved by the archbishop in conformity with the parameters of the Pastoral Planning Pathway according to the published timeline.
Annually, each Family of Parishes will submit a report on their planning activity from the year prior and a plan for the coming year. It is prepared by the Family Leadership Team, signed by the pastor, reviewed by the dean and ultimately submitted to the archbishop.
Each year’s planning documents will include:
How has the Family of Parishes realized the vision for each of the 6 principles?
For each of the 31 parameters, is the Family in full conformity? If not, why?
How will the Family of Parishes continue to realize the vision for each of the 6 principles?
How will the Family of Parishes achieve greater conformity with the 31 parameters?
In 2024 we are transitioning the timing of the Annual Report so we can better align the report with the most recent parish and Family vitality data.
This report to the archbishop will ask each Family of Parishes to look back at the previous year, to celebrate progress (“wins”), and to acknowledge where opportunities still remain for growth. It will also look forward to the coming year – what will you do and why? Who will lead? How will you measure progress?
A template specific to each Family will be available August 1 with completion due by October 1, submitted using a digital platform. (A read-only version will be available in July for preparation.) Those parish leaders designated by the pastor to complete the report can access this platform in August or September, returning again and again to add more information and edit as needed. A printable worksheet may be useful in preparing to submit online. The report is marked final by selecting complete in the bottom drop down on the Summary / Plan tab.
The dean will review this report during October before submission to the archbishop.
This year, we have enhanced the reporting process by bringing forward answers from the 2023 Annual Report and the 2024 Progress Report. We have also significantly reduced the number of comment fields and rephrased some questions in a quantitative manner.
It is important to note that no Family is expected to be in conformity with all 31 parameters this early in the project. It is hoped and expected that progress is being made.
Any questions, please contact [email protected]
I am convinced that Beacons of Light, born of great hope, will enable us to form stronger parishes, centered on the Eucharist, that radiate the love of Christ and joy of the Gospel… God has abundantly blessed our first two centuries and will certainly bless the next.