The Spiritual Center at Maria Stein
Feb. 24, 9am – Feb. 25, 4pm
Other Dates In Consideration
These dates are not final. Please contact [email protected] for information.
The Culture Retreat will be a two-day, overnight event grounded in prayer and worship. 4-5 Family Leadership Teams will utilize the Beacons of Light Leadership Culture assessment tool to facilitate discussion of the current ecclesial culture in their Family of Parishes. Teams will have time to grow together as a group and interact with teams from other Families. Facilitators will assist in the process of defining a set of core leadership values which support the desired ecclesial culture of discipleship. Family Leadership teams will consider how to integrate these new leadership values into culture management techniques for leadership development, team collaboration, hiring, performance management, and collaboration with lay leadership.
The Culture Retreat will be offered February 24 & 25 at The Spiritual Center at Maria Stein (Day 1:9 AM to 8 PM, Day 2:8 AM to 4 PM). Additional dates are under consideration. The Center for Parish Vitality will sponsor up to eight leadership team members from each Family of Parishes attending, at no cost to the Family itself.
If your Family Leadership team is in place and your Phase 2 vision is complete, please contact [email protected] to mutually discern if your Family is ready for this important step in the Beacons of Light transformation to a missionary parish.
I am convinced that Beacons of Light, born of great hope, will enable us to form stronger parishes, centered on the Eucharist, that radiate the love of Christ and joy of the Gospel… God has abundantly blessed our first two centuries and will certainly bless the next.