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“Every Family of Parishes will have a unified Pastoral Council, with other relevant consultative
groups for specific areas of parish life.”

— Parameter 11, Beacons of Light

Join pastoral (parish) council members from parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for an upcoming deanery convocation focused on Beacons of Light. Staff of the Pastoral Center will speak to the role of the council in parish life, specifically in pastoral planning. You’ll have a chance to ask questions about Beacons of Light and your role as a pastoral council member in your Family of Parishes.

The pastoral council constitutes the primary consultative voice of the members of the parishes and the Family of Parishes. Pastors and council members must be well-formed and informed so that the council may effectively carry out their role, particularly in the pastoral planning process envisioned in Beacons of Light, the process of unifying multiple parishes into one canonical parish, and the discernment of appropriate stewardship of resources for the Family of Parishes. A strong council will ensure that the pastor and his Family Leadership Team receive necessary input and feedback from parishioners at every step of the process of unifying the parishes within the Family. 

Featured Presenters

Fr. Jan Schmidt

Director of Pastoral Vitality

Fr. Jason Williams


Fr. Tom DiFolco

Associate Director for Leadership Formation

Mr. Jeremy Helmes

Director, Center for Parish Vitality

Event Details





The meeting will address:

  • An overview of the role of the council

  • Understanding of the role of the council in significant decision-making, particularly
    the unification of parishes

  • Walk-through of appropriate resources and documents

  • Next steps

If you are not available for the convocation held in your own deanery, feel free to join any other one.

Participants include:

  • Pastoral council members (if unified council has been formed, all are invited; if not, 3 representatives from each parish council)
  • Pastor

  • Parochial Vicar(s) if pastor desires

  • Pathway Leads

  • Staff representatives if pastor desires (for example, FLT rep)


Representatives from single-parish Families may leave at the mid-meeting break, after which the
topics will be directed toward the canonical unification of parishes.


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