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1.1 Stewardship – Visio Day

Visio Day provides an opportunity for your Family Leadership Team (FLT) to learn the importance of creating a vision for your Family of Parishes and how to best create, communicate and enact that vision within your Family. This one-day workshop will not create the final vision for your Family of Parishes but will jump-start that process and prepare you for the Family Visioning Process.  

Some Families of Parishes participated in Visio Day early in 2023. We encourage all other Families, not engaged in the Catholic Leadership Institute’s Next Generation Parish process, to attend one of the two sessions scheduled for fall 2023.  

Learn more.

1.2 Stewardship – Family Visioning

The Family Visioning Process follows Visio Day and is a comprehensive process to create a vision statement for your Family of Parishes. This process is designed to define your vision, build consensus around the vision with key leaders and assess the impacts of that vision for each Beacons principle within your Family. 

Refer to Leadership 1.2 for details on the Family Visioning Process.

2.1 Stewardship – Formation of Associated Team Members

Leading people to embrace stewardship as a way of life relies on substantial formation of leaders.

Stewardship Reversed

“More than a program or once a year report to the parish, stewardship is fostered as a spiritual way of life and becomes an expression of discipleship.” (Stewardship vision point)

Once your Stewardship Core Team has had time to focus on its spiritual formation, it is time to share the stewardship message with other key leaders, starting with your Family Leadership Team (FLT) and Family staff members. 

To-do: Continue stewardship formation and education for parish leaders, especially through a retreat focused on the spirituality of stewardship.

2.2 Stewardship – Formation of Parish Leaders

Leading people to embrace stewardship as a way of life relies on substantial formation of leaders. 

Stewardship Reversed

“More than a program or once a year report to the parish, stewardship is fostered as a spiritual way of life and becomes an expression of discipleship.” (Stewardship vision point)

Having begun the process of formation for your Family Leadership Team (FLT) and staff, your Stewardship Core Team can start to offer retreats and/or speak at Family leaders’ meetings, particularly those of your Family Pastoral Council (FPC), Family Finance Council (FFC) and ministry leaders.

To-do: Continue stewardship formation and education for parish leaders, especially through a retreat focused on the spirituality of stewardship.

2.3 Create Prayer and Discernment Opportunities

Now that you have begun to form your leaders as stewards, it is time to share the stewardship message with parishioners. 

Stewardship Reversed

“More than a program or once a year report to the parish, stewardship is fostered as a spiritual way of life and becomes an expression of discipleship.” (Stewardship vision point)

Stewardship education and formation takes many forms. Begin to share the stewardship message through homilies, in your bulletin(s), on your website(s), in emails and at parish meetings.

To-do: Begin or continue stewardship formation and education for parishioners.

Stewardship Overview: Phase 2

Imagine your Family of Parishes filled with people who live as disciples, are filled with gratitude for their abundant blessings and generously share their faith, lives and resources — not only within the Family but also in all aspects of their everyday lives. Your Family would be transformed through such living faith! This is truly possible when your Family of Parishes embraces stewardship as a way of life. 

During Phase 2, your pastor, stewardship champion and Stewardship Core Team will discern the vision for your Family — the future you will work toward as you bring stewardship to life in your Family of Parishes and among your people.

Discerning your vision naturally flows from leaders who live and grow as good stewards. Therefore, Phase 2 includes time for stewardship formation — first among the Stewardship Core Team, Family Leadership Team (FLT) and pastoral council, then among ministry leaders and those who are involved in ministries and organizations within your Family. Laying this solid spiritual foundation will ensure that stewardship is not viewed as a program that will run its course or as a thinly veiled means for increasing financial giving. The spirituality of stewardship is a deeper, lasting way of seeing and responding to God’s grace in our midst.