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Modification of Parishes


These resources provide detailed guidance for planning and executing a parish modification. 


Canonical Processes

This document describes the four canonical processes relating to parish mergers and closures, including what is required and how and when each would take effect.

Comparison of Process Options

This document clarifies the differences between amalgamation, merger, parochial church, and subsidiary church. 

Basic Modification Steps

This document outlines the basic steps that a pastor must take when considering a modification.


Temporal Affairs Document

The 1995 promulgation explains various requirements surrounding parish policy and planning.

Financial Worksheets - Excel

These detailed worksheets will help in assessing the financial state of a parish, creating a budget, and determining actionable steps to move forward. 

Article: 5 Practices for Parish Finances

This article offers practical ideas on how to structure and improve parish finances.

Sample Org Chart for Administration Dept - Excel

This chart offers a starting point for organizing the staff at your parish and school. 

Norms for Finance Councils

This document explains the responsibilities and requirements of a parish finance council.

Additional Webpages

Beacons of Light Administration Year 1 Financial Process

View details on the financial requirements and recommendations for the first year of a parish modification.

Pastoral Council Documents

Read the steps to follow during phase 1 of a modification, including a sample timeline.