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1.2 Evangelization – Family Visioning

The Family Visioning Process follows Visio Day and is a comprehensive process to create a vision statement for your Family of Parishes. This process is designed to define your vision, build consensus around the vision with key leaders and assess the impacts of that vision for each Beacons principle within your Family. 

Refer to Leadership 1.2 for details on the Family Visioning Process.

2.2 Interview and Hire for Evangelization Team Members

Interview candidates for particular positions on your Evangelization Team, even if the position is offered to a current employee. You may determine that you need to hire from outside for a particular position on the Evangelization Team. In either case, this module will provide you with resources and consultation you need to fill the positions. 

Contact a Center for the New Evangelization Team Member to join a search committee.   

See the Materials tab to download various resources.

To-do: Submit the contact information for each member of your Evangelization Team using this form.

1.3 Evangelization – Vision Impact for Principle

A vision statement is a short aspirational statement of direction for your Family of Parishes — the where we are going, and why we do what we do to get there.   

Once a vision statement has been drafted, it is important to validate that the vision statement provides aspirational direction and inspiration to all components of a vital parish. The Beacons of Light principles and vision points concisely define parish vitality. Thus, comparing your draft vision statement with the principles provides a sounding board to confirm the appropriateness of the proposed vision statement. The Principle Vision Impact Form is used during the Family Visioning Process and allows teams of Family staff and lay leadership to confirm your draft vision statement and understand what changes will need to come about as your Family begins to live out the vision.  

You can find the Family Visioning Process and Principle Vision Impact form in the Leadership 1.2 Materials.

3.1 Parish Evangelization Inventory

If any parish within your Family of Parishes didn’t take the Parish Evangelization Inventory during Phase 0, now is the perfect time to do so. You can find it under the “Materials” tab above.

A relevant staff person or other parish leader (e.g. DRE, CRE, Pastoral Associate, Youth Minister, et al.) should fill out this inventory tool, which is specific to a single parish. This tool will be used in Phase 2 to help create your vision for evangelization.

Even now, ministerial cohorts can begin to discuss the common themes and other details found in all of the inventories of your Family of Parishes.


Make sure that the evangelists of all the parishes within your Family of Parishes have access to all the inventories for your Family.

2.1 Prioritizing Missionary Discipleship for the Leadership Team

Your pastor will help your Family Leadership Team prioritize missionary discipleship by prayerfully leading the team through the creation of individual and team Missionary Discipleship Plans. See the “Materials” tab above for samples of these plans. Let’s Discuss: What are some ideas for fostering missionary discipleship on your Family Leadership Team?

Charisms Discernment

Your pastor may also take advantage of Charisms Discernment with the Catherine of Siena Institute. Stay tuned for more details about an upcoming Charisms Discernment Workshop, which will benefit parish evangelists and your Family Leadership Team.

Clifton Strengths

Another helpful resource is CliftonStrengths Finder from the Gallup Organization

1.2 Hire a Director of Evangelization

It’s important to conduct interviews before deciding which candidate to hire as your director of evangelization, even if the position is offered to a current employee. Whether you hire from inside or outside your Family of Parishes, you will find in this module the resources and consultation you need to fill the position.

Both the archdiocese Department of Human Resources and the Center for the New Evangelization of the Pastoral Center are here to assist you in the hiring process.